Here is what my “ordinary” day looks like as a home schooling mom of five. It is slightly humorous but very much a real portrait of my day.
- 7:30am Wake up to arguing, screaming and crying
- Untangle the fighting mess
- Hit the shower, hear more crying
- Get dressed head to toe, forgoing the makeup for the time being
- Change and feed the baby
- Change the (usually) wet toddler, give her a bath, then get her dressed
- Attempt to make my bed before anything goes too wrong
- Make breakfast
- Get everyone fed, and hopefully cleaned up before 9am
- Put the baby down for her morning nap
- Start school with the older kids while occupying the younger ones
- Repeatedly tell the kids to focus on their school work
- Take the toddler potty when she comes up to you and says “POTTY BAD!”
- Read out loud the history lesson
- Phone rings
- Toddler comes running to you saying “POTTY BAD!”
- It’s 11am, like clock work, the baby wakes up.
- Feed the baby while having the toddler play on the floor next to me
- Look at the clock…hubby is home in 30 minutes and I have no clue what I’m serving for lunch
- Put the baby in the spinning seat
- Have the toddler help prepare lunch
- Phew! Made it! It’s noon and hubby comes home for lunch
- Sit down for lunch, pray and the toddler says “POTTY BAD!”
- Just sit down again and the phone rings
- Then the doorbell rings
- I sit back down to finish my lunch when the baby is inconsolable.
- Nurse the baby and get her down for her afternoon nap
- Hubby helps put the toddler down for her nap
- Older children are instructed to play and study quietly. Don’t answer the phone or the door.
- I sit down to the computer to check my email
- Start to fall asleep when the phone rings
- It is almost 3pm and the baby gets up from her nap
- The house looks like a bomb has gone off
- Hubby comes home in 30 minutes and the kids and I attempt to pick up beore he comes home
- Hubby comes home and it is time to pack and ship Ebay sales
- Run around like crazy people trying to make it to the post office before 5pm
- 5pm and dinner is no where in site
- Search the refrigerator for left overs
- Hope for the best
- Kids getting loud and rammy
- Baby getting fussy and toddler hollars “POTTY BAD!”
- Hubby is trying to help reheat leftovers (his famous 20 course meal!)
- 6pm dinner served. Not gorgeous by it’s food.
- Just sit down to eat and it’s “POTTY BAD!” once again
- 6:30pm and the baby has lost it
- I disappear upstairs to change and nurse her
- 7:30pm The baby is in bed
- Time for family devotions
- Wake up to the room dark and realize that I fell asleep in the chair while hubby was doing devotions. Oops!
- 9pm Find hubby playing chess with my oldest son while the rest of the kids are cranky and losing it
- Attempt to corral the kids and get their PJ’s on and brush the teeth
- 9:30pm Everyone is finally in bed
- 9:35pm Hear pitter patter of steps…”POTTY BAD!”
- Finally collapse onto the couch
- Take a few minutes to check emails
- Get ready for bed when the baby wakes up to nurse
- Nurse the baby and finally crash into bed at 11:30pm
- 1am and wake up to finding someone is sick.
- Up all night, tending to the sick