Well, it is official.  None of our eight eggs that we incubated have survived.  Yesterday we removed the eggs from the incubator. Since I was curious as to what happened to our eggs, I opened them up by the compost pile.  

What did I find?

Three full size chicks, one partially developed chick and four very rotten eggs.  I noticed on the full size chicks that the inside membrane was white and very dry. So I presume that the incubator did not have enough humidity inside of it to allow for the chicks to hatch.  All that was primarily due to the extreme heat wave we had last week in Upstate New York.  I am very disappointed by the results with our incubation but that is what happens sometimes.  

With all that said, we are trying again.  I have eight fresh eggs in the incubator and today is Day 2.  I am hoping for better success this time.  I am reading up on successful incubation with hopes that we can learn something and be successful ourselves. 

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