
After having three home births, I have had many questions about what supplies do you need to have on hand for the birth.  I have made a compilation of supplies that were recommended to me from my midwives at different times. I consider most of these the bare minimum and I wouldn’t want to have much less than this on hand.

My midwife makes me collect all of these supplies prior to our 36 week home visit.  She also has her own bags of medical supplies that she brings, uses and has on hand for emergencies.

Two of the websites that I have used to order supplies for my birth kit is Radiant Belly and Everything Birth.  I have had great experiences with both of these sites and would recommend them.

You can watch my complete “What’s In My Birth Kit” video to see what everything looks like.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


For a PRINTABLE version on the supply list below, click here:



Medical Supply List

  • 10 Underpads, Moderate Absorbency, 23″ x 36″

  • 5 Underpads, Heavy Absorbency, 30″ x 30″

  • 4 Attends Shaped Pads, 24″ Heavy Absorbency

  • 3 Protective Underwear, Super Plus, choose size above

  • 1 Perineal Instant Cold Pads – standard

  • 1 Perineal Irrigation Bottle

  • 1  Instant Cold Peri Compress

  • 1 Paper Tape Measure, 36″

  • 1 Cord Ring – Umbi-Ring

  • 1  Newborn hat, cotton

  • 1 Flexible Straws

  • 50 Non-sterile Gloves – Kimberly Clark Nitrile, med

  • 2 Sterile Gauze, non-woven 4 ply, 4″ x 4″, 2 pack

  • 1 Emergen-C Packets, choose flavor above

  • 1 Kleen-Print Footprinter

  • 1 Ziploc Bags, gallon size

  • 1 Garbage Bags, 13 gallon “Kitchen” size

  • 1 Glycerin USP Skin Protectant, 6 oz

  • 1 Lansinoh Lanolin, 1/4 oz

  • 1 Homeopathic Arnica 30c

General Supply List

Besides the Birth Kit, the following are a very good idea:

  • A laundry basket or hamper, for soiled linens (gather the supplies below and place in basket, well not the snacks)

  • A medium trash can and several trash bags (dark and strong are great)

  • A medium bowl or plastic container (‘Tupperware’, think 1/2 gallon ice-cream size)

  • Light snacks that appeal to you (crackers? popsicles? soup? toast? yogurt? fruit? etc)

  • Drinks that you will drink (tea? juice? water? Recharge? EmerganC? smoothies? etc)

  • A written phone list (not just in the memory of the phone or iPod)

  • A camera (that someone besides the mom-to-be knows how to use)

  • Working Flashlight (in case the power goes out)

  • Extra batteries

  • Feminine Hygiene products (overnight Kotex pads). Also a few ‘hospital underwear’ (Depends) are useful

  • Digital thermometer

  • A roll of paper towels (I love Bounty!)

  • Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide

  • Things that are comforting to you (aromatherapy oils? candles? pillows? music? etc)

  • Lots of clean towels, wash clothes, and baby blankets, about a dozen each. Used and worn are perfect!

  • Newborn diapers and outfits for the first few days

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