I have a question for you? Have you become lost this Christmas?

You may be thinking, “What do you mean, ‘become lost’?”.  What I mean is, have you become lost in all the things of Christmas? The to-do lists, the holiday parties, the must-haves, the I-wants, the running here, running there because of the expectations of others, the forgetting why we actually celebrate Christmas?

Over the past five years, maybe even more, I have noticed this gradual shift in my thinking. Instead of giving gifts for the sake of giving gifts, I’ve started thinking about what really matters. It isn’t about stuff. It’s about the memories I am making. My kids aren’t going to remember all the little presents that I got them but remember the memories like making gingerbread men and sugar cookies or taking them to our local fire house for the Christmas party or spending every Christmas eve at Grandpa and Grandma’s house.  Those will be the things that our kids will remember when they get older.

Don’t believe me? Try it yourself.  What memories do YOU remember about Christmas when you were a kid?

I remember always having Christmas breakfast at our house with Grandpa and Grandma and all the relatives.  Then we would all gather around in the living room and the presents would be handed out and stacked. Everyone would wait until all the presents were distributed. Then we would go around the room, opening one present at a time. Watching each other, enjoying each other.  That is what I remember. Do I remember the gifts that I got? Maybe a few of them, but that wasn’t what was important. It was being with family. Money can not buy memories. Period.

This Christmas, my focus is not on getting gifts but focusing on making memories with my kids.  I am participating in the free Stress Free Christmas program.

Each day for 12 days, I am receiving a daily email with a video and a challenge. Honestly, I’m very much enjoying being able to participate in this stress free Christmas and am looking forward to a relaxing and meaningful season.

You can sign up to also participate in the 12 Days to a Stress-Free Christmas Challenge here. Join me in slowing down this Christmas and enjoying those memories that we will make this year.

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