I have been making applesauce since I was a very little girl. I remember every fall, my mom would make a large bowl of applesauce and as I got older, I would help her. It is very easy to make and doesn’t take that much time. The flavor is far superior to anything that you can by in the store. The apples can be drops, unsprayed, and ugly looking. But that doesn’t matter because they all get squished up and you would never know what the outside of the apple looked like before you made applesauce. Depending on what type of apples you use in your applesauce, you may not need to add any sugar. I prefer an Empire apple since it is very sweet. This method of making apple sauce can be used in pressure canning.
Step 1: Wash all of your apples.
Step 2: Quarter and core your apples
No need to remove the skins since you will putting this through the Foley food mill

Step 3: Place quartered and cored apples in a heavy-bottom pot.
Add approximately 2 cups of water, cover and cook for 15 to 20 minutes until apples are very soft.

Step 4: Place cooked apples into Foley food mill.
Continue stirring Foley until the skins are the only thing left inside of the it.

Step 5: Eat and enjoy your applesauce!