Tomorrow, my baby turns 4 months old! Can you believe it? Time seems to go by faster and faster with each baby. This past month was filled with birthday celebrations, house work to be completed before winter and buckling down with school schedule. But as the month progressed, my grandmother’s health started to drastically decline. She was a fairly healthy 83 year old but after multiple doctor visits and countless tests, it was determined that she has ALS (Lou Gerhig’s disease). Based on how quickly she is declining, the doctor feels that her disease is progressing faster than most.
What does this mean for me and my family? Because the prognosis of life expectancy is a mere few months, we want to spend as much time as possible with her. She currently lives alone but will be moving into assisted living in the very near future. We have offered to have her live with us but she wants to be near her friends at this time. But at any point, we certainly would be willing to have her live her final days with us if she chooses that.
It has been a lot of heart ache for me and my immediate and extended family. Seeing some one you love, slowly die is a difficult process. I am very thankful for her STRONG faith in God and her unconditional love of everyone! Knowing that one day, I will see her again in Heaven is an enormous comfort to me. And the fact that she is completely at peace with death and I might say, looking forward to seeing her Savior is such a great testimony! She is boldly looking forward and embracing the days ahead.
Yesterday, everyone she met, she immediately began to tell them that what the doctor had said about her not having much longer on this earth. And while she said all this, yes, there was tears, but there was a peace and almost a sense of happiness about what the future held. What GREAT faith she has!!!
So, I will continue to blog and share frugal household tips and recipes, but it may be at somewhat a slower pace since my priority is going to be spending time with my grandmother and my children and remembering what my true priorities are!