Snapshot 1 (3-9-2015 11-44 AM)

I finally got to see my midwife this week after her long sunny vacation!  Everything looked really good and her prediction was a long, lean baby, weighing in around 7 pounds. After experiencing early labor symptoms this past Wednesday and then having labor STOP(!!!), I was more than emotionally drained.  My midwife offered up some suggestions on how to handle these next couple of days while waiting for labor.  Honestly, I was so glad that she came to my house. It gave me that emotional boost that I really needed and after she left, I was really in the mood to pass the time with cooking. I ended up making three different things (while my ever so sweet husband cleaned up my mess!).

Saturday’s are my day to cook my sour dough bread. It came out even better this week! I’m thinking that it rises better the older it gets?!?!


Then for lunch, I made a pumpkin curry soup with homemade sour dough croutons.  The croutons were made out of the left-over sour dough bread from last week.

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After that, I had a hankering for something sweet, so that’s when I made a pumpkin cheese coffee cake.IMG_2529


I was tired after doing all that cooking, but it felt good to get back into the kitchen again. Of course, I couldn’t have done all that without the help of my VERY patient and loving husband!!!!

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