Yesterday was my son’s 7th birthday and as I do for every birthday in my house, I make whatever kind of cake they request.  This year, the request was a “cannon” cake.  I will be posting on the cake design in my next post. For now, here is the recipe for the filling inside the chocolate cake roll.  I ended up making my own marshmallow fluff filling making the cake like a super huge Little Debbie Twinkie.  It was MUCH cheaper than buying marshmallow fluff and it took all of six or seven minutes to make. I found the original recipe here.

Oh So Easy! Marshmallow Fluff
3 egg whites, preferably at room temperature
2 cups light corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups of confectionary sugar
1 Tbsp vanilla extract

First, put the egg whites, corn syrup and salt in you stand mixer. My mixer is a 6 quart size and this worked perfectly.

Beat on high speed for five minutes. The mixture should be very thick and almost doubled in volume.

Stop the mixer and add the confectionary sugar and vanilla. Mix on low until well blended.

Use immediately or store in covered container in the refrigeratore for up to two weeks.  This makes a very large quantity.

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