After having a whole week of being sick, this week I really felt like I needed to play catch up.  There was so much do to before Thanksgiving, including cooking, cleaning and lots of shopping.  I was really overwhelmed but took it one day at a time and managed to get everything done!

The big event this week was visiting my midwife and getting my blood work done.  Thankfully, all my numbers were good and nothing needed to changed.  My vitamin D did go up which was good but it still needs to go up some more.  My lead level which had been a concern had gone way down to the non-worrisome range. And the most important one in the line of birthing a baby was my iron levels which came back great.  I’m not taking an iron supplement or anything but eating well and it seems to be working.

This up coming week should be quieter with me just working on Christmas gifts that I am making as well as sending out my Christmas cards. Maybe if I have lots of ambition, I will do some of my holiday baking. We’ll see……


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