Spring is finally here! It took, what seemed like, much longer than usual, but it did finally arrive with some warmer temperatures and the promise of growth.
I am being completely honest when I say that it took me longer than normal to get the “spring itch” to get out in my garden. I’m not sure if it was just the combination of being overwhelmed by the thought of lugging all of the kids outside with me while I work or if the exhausted mommy-brain just scattering any energy I had left to work on my garden. Whatever the case, I’m a little bit on the slow slide.
Two weeks ago, we rented a rototiller and tilled up all my gardens. It felt good. It felt like a fresh start. A fresh start that I hadn’t had in three years. Seeing that clean start, I finally had the itch to get the garden planted. It also coincided with the momentous event of Mary starting to sleep through the night. It is funny how a lack of sleep can really mess with your brain and your perspective of life.
With dirt in my hands and the many packets of seeds, I finally got my rows made in my garden, peas, beans, spinach, lettuce, parsnips, onions, beets and turnips all planted. It felt good!!! My energy had finally returned to somewhat normal levels and I started to look forward to the gardening season.
While cleaning out the back garden, Charity discovered a nest of baby bunnies. Brand, spanking new, fur-less, eye-closed, baby bunnies. For most gardeners, this would be a bad find. But for me, I did not have the heart to move the bunnies, where I knew they would not survive the elements without their mother. I mean, how would I feel if someone did that too my children?!?!? (I know, that’s pretty lame but I just didn’t have it in me.) After eight or nine days, the bunnies hopped out of their nest and moved on. Except for the one that hopped in front of me in my garden. Unlike Mr. McGreggor and Peter Rabbit, my bunny did not escape and I relocated the bunny far, far away from my garden. Let’s hope that is the end of the baby bunnies since now my leaf lettuce has sprouted.
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