

If you have been following us on our Facebook page, you will know that I am embarking on a Freezer Clean-Out Challenge.

Saving money and living on less is a wonderful thing. However, it does come with its downside which includes having a large inventory in your freezer.  Every year, I *attempt* to use up all those items in the freezer that have been around just too long but inevitably, I will find that buried package of snow peas or eggplant from 2009. Yes, things get forgotten and shoved way in the back or down to the bottom of the my freezers.  I wish I could say that it does not happen to me, but it does.

Several years ago when my husband and I decided to purchase a chest freezer for our home, we weighed out the pros and cons of the difference sizes and whether or not we should get an upright freezer or a chest freezer. My husband biggest concern was the “lost” food that would inevitably occur if we purchased a second freezer. But we also knew that having a larger freezer meant having more room to be able to store our fresh garden produce for the winter.

We ended up deciding on a small/medium sized chest freezer. If my memory serves me correctly, it was something like 5 cubic feet in size. It was big enough to store a nice amount of food, but not so big that food would be constantly lost and forgotten in it.

Fast forward to the present day……

Messy Freezer 2 Messy Freezer Door Messy Freezer 1

For almost a full year, both of my freezers have been packed to overflowing. You could barely fit in a half gallon of ice cream in there, let alone anything else.  So I have decided to embark upon a Freezer Clean-Out Challenge using all of my readers as my accountability. I hope to post some new recipes and ways I am using up the food that I will no doubt discover in the dark deep recesses of my freezers.  My goal is to make a considerable dent in my freezer space by the time the spring snow peas start to make an appearance…that should be around 2-3 months from now.

I would like to invite all of you to join me in my Freezer Clean-Out Challenge. Please feel free to grab my Freezer Clean-Out Challenge button on my side bar and add it to your page.  I would like to ask that if you are participating in some way in the challenge to leave a comment on this post with a link to your blog so other readers can follow your progress as well.


Freezer Clean-Out Challenge

One thought on “Freezer Clean-Out Challenge: Please Join Me”

  1. Oh that sounds like a great idea. I just bought a chest freezer as my sideby side just didn’t hold enough – ie chickens?
    So I look forward to the answers.

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