Yesterday, some very severe weather went though our area and did quite a bit of damage. Here are some pictures from the tree that went down in our yard. Thankfully, the largest trunk part missed the new deck that we are having put on.  Nobody was hurt thankfully!

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We had no idea that there was rot down the center of the tree. We were thankful that the main trunk did not land on the house.  When I opened up my back door, the branches did come inside though!

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My kids loved playing on the tree trunk while we started to clean up.

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Our contractor very kindly brought over his chain saw and chopped up the biggest parts of the tree.  Then my parents came over to help with the rest.


Can you guess what I am doing?  I had just planted my pepper plants a week ago and was afraid that we might lose them due to hail from the storm.  We had an abundance of library book ends and used them to protect the small plants. For the most part, they worked great!  A few of the leaves have hail holes in them, but the main plant was ok.

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